Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Word of the Year: Enjoy

It's 2016! I can't start this new year without reflecting on this past year. Even though I can't really remember how I got through much of the day to day, I can look back and see how God's grace has marked our year with so many amazing memories. Some parts were harder than others. Some parts were filled with so much joy we thought we might explode. Each part a reminder of how good God is.

The year kicked off in a blur, when I learned I was pregnant with our third little girl. We were so excited! My first two pregnancies had been really easy, but the combination of being pregnant with two other little ladies to take care of kept me in a fog for many months.

The first trimester, pregnancy hormones and some challenging family situations had me worn out!  The year also brought with it some of the greatest battles with fear and anxiety I've ever experienced. Some days I could barely put one foot in front of the other, but in my weakness God reminded me of His strength. On the days, when life kept happening all around me and I felt like all I could do was take the next step, God met me there and helped me enjoy the sweetness of each moment in meaningful ways.

There was hidden blessing in that season because so much of the unnecessary fell away and the time and energy I did have became more focused. Somehow on the days when all I wanted was to nap, I learned how to love harder, listen more and be more selective.

In 2015, our family celebrated life and answered prayers. We celebrated birthdays (I turned 30!) and breakthroughs. We learned some hard, but life changing lessons that continue to help us experience freedom and joy. We soaked up quality family time on some of our favorite family trips yet.

In September, we welcomed our newest little love, Juliet Grace!

The year of 2015 is the year Jesus reminded me of His faithfulness in new and tangible ways. He brought joy, peace and hope to broken places! This year, I want to soak it all up more than ever!

Which leads me to my word for 2016:

Enjoy and choose life! Enjoy my relationships. Enjoy instead of fearing. Enjoy instead of anticipating the future or grieving what is not. Enjoy instead of planning every minute! Enjoying is a choice, isn't it? No matter what our circumstances. A choice that I will make more and more as I'm experiencing the true joy that comes from my relationship with Jesus. I'm ready! :)

Recently, I read the words of another blogger who shared how she wanted to give her children the gift of her words. I love that and feel the same way. It's why I've consistently blogged our family's story for the last six years. So, my hope for this space is the same as it was at the start of 2013. I want to share my story. I also started this blog to embrace who God is and what He has breathed into my life. So...in addition to my story and what God is teaching me, expect to see lots of recipes, book recommendations, ideas for celebrating life, gift ideas and anything that helps us embrace beauty. 

Cheers to 2016! 

with sparkling grape juice, of course!
 "Let's walk into this new year unafraid, because He's already there waiting for us." -Lisa Jo Baker

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I'm linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesdays!


  1. How fantastic to give our kids the gift of words! Truly inspirational. I'm going to adopt that mindset as well.
